12. January 2022 · Comments Off on State Covid Poster Explained · Categories: Beach Reads The Blog

Every Thursday since Covid started, our state governor goes live on social media to update us and let us know what colour we will be next week.

Early on, the state adopted a traffic light system, using Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. The dread red meant everything was closed. We moved out of red back in June 2020, and we are not going back. We gradually moved up to scale to orange, yellow and finally green (stage 1 and 2)

So every Thursday, we get a new poster like this, which is then shared all over social media. It has a lot of info on it, but most of it does not pertain to visitors to our town.

Here is what you need to know about the current poster…

The box at the top has the when and where of the Covid restrictions. You can see it is the current week and our municipality, and the rest of the north part of the state are all yellow.

The most important part of the poster for you is the big red box on the right. This shows the capacities of things you care about.

Open at 60% is hotels, restaurants, historic sites, theme parks and tourist services. Also at 60%, public parks, beaches, theatres, malls, department stores, salons & churches.

Capacity is limited to 50% in casinos

The poster goes on to explain the limits on transportation. The list starts with motorcycles, which are limited to one person…presumably the driver. Private vehicles are limited to four persons. Taxis are limited to 3 persons, which included the driver. Buses and collectivos are limited to 50% capacity.

On the bottom of the box is the bad news, things that are not open at all. These include bars, nightclubs and discos.

The pictograms at the bottom reinforce the obvious, keep your hands clean, wear masks, keep your distance and stay at home if you have any symptoms. The little box on the right refers to gyms, open at 70% if outdoors, 50% indoors.

The part we skipped on the right refers to things that we assume you will not have contact with. It lists things like schools, courts, construction sites and mines. It also lists many things that have always been open like supermarkets, pharmacies, banks and fishing operations.

Watch our In Puerto Morelos Facebook page, we will keep you up to date with what colour traffic light we are currently under. Stay safe and we hope to see you soon in Puerto Morelos.

For more information on what to expect when visiting Puerto Morelos during Covid times, click here.

And for information on COVID TESTING click here.