22. August 2020 · Comments Off on Marco in Puerto Morelos · Categories: Beach Reads The Blog · Tags: , ,

Normally a post with a title like this would have to do with pizza! But, alas, this one has to do with a storm. Tropical Storm Marco is scheduled to pass very close to us sometime today. (Saturday, August 8, 2020)

The track has slipped north for the last several hours. At first they thought it was going to strike far south of us, near Punta Allen, but it has since slid north. Last night it looked like it was coming right up our driveway, but it has continued to track north. We’re hoping it meanders into the channel and just grazes us.

It’s a tropical storm, not a hurricane. We’re not expecting too much, certainly some wind and rain, but we’ll feel better when Marco moves on and we can associate his name with pizza again! (Marco is the affable owner of the legendary “I Wanna Pizza” in Puerto Morelos.)

All the above photos were taken this morning (August 22, 2020) Click any photo for a full screen view.

The boats are mostly out of the water, and we’ve all taken the usual precautions of securing our outdoor furniture. We’ve got batteries in our flashlights and our phones are all charged up. Refrigerators are stocked with supplies. Now we just wait and stand by with the mop if necessary. (This is a great time to discover if those roof repairs you made last year worked or not.)

Update: As we hoped, Marco meandered to the north in a big way and eventually passed us by with almost nothing. A bit of rain, but no wind. We are all breathing a big sigh of relief and trying to figure out what to do with all that beer we panic bought.

We have been treated to some lovely sunsets lately as well. These photos are from last night.

Thanks for thinking of us. We’ll update when we can. Saludos from InPuertoMorelos.com

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